主后 2014/08/11 主日崇拜
› Jon 2:1 約拿在魚腹中禱告耶和華他的神,
› Jon
2:2 說:我遭遇患難求告耶和華,你就應允我;從陰間的深處呼求,你就俯聽我的聲音。
› Jon
2:3 你將我投下深淵,就是海的深處;大水環繞我,你的波浪洪濤都漫過我身。
› Jon
2:4 我說:我從你眼前雖被驅逐,我仍要仰望你的聖殿。
› Jon
2:5 諸水環繞我,幾乎淹沒我;深淵圍住我;海草纏繞我的頭。
› Jon
2:6 我下到山根,地的門將我永遠關住。耶和華我的神啊,你卻將我的性命從坑中救出來。
› Jon
2:7 我心在我裡面發昏的時候,我就想念耶和華。我的禱告進入你的聖殿,達到你的面前。
› Jon
2:8 那信奉虛無之神的人,離棄憐愛他們的主;
› Jon
2:9 但我必用感謝的聲音獻祭與你。我所許的願,我必償還。救恩出於耶和華。
› Jon
2:10 耶和華吩咐魚,魚就把約拿吐在旱地上。
› 神俯聽約拿的求告聲音
God is the
one who listens to prayer in Jonah's most trialed time. (2:2)
› 約拿知道災難出於神
Jonah knew
that God saved him. He did not say: why me because he knew his troubles
(大水環繞我,波浪洪濤都漫過我身,諸水環繞我,諸水環繞我) was from God (我從你眼前雖被驅逐) (2:3)
› 約拿仍仰望神
Jonah is
still longing for God and His presence (2:4 我仍要仰望你的聖殿; 2:7 我就想念耶和華。我的禱告進入你的聖殿,達到你的面前)
› 救恩出於耶和華
Jonah knew
God well! (2.9)
› 約拿向神許願
Jonah made
a promise: 2.9 我所許的願,我必償還
› Did Jonah
know the Lord? Ans. Yes!
› Proof:
› He knew he
was reason for storm (v1:10)
› He knew
that the storm would die down once he was no longer on the ship (v1:12)
› 2:1約拿在魚腹中禱告耶和華他的神
and He knew God would listen
› Jon
1:3 約拿卻起來,逃往他施去躲避耶和華;下到約帕,遇見一隻船,要往他施去。他就給了船價,上了船,要與船上的人同往他施去躲避耶和華。
› Jon
1:4 然而耶和華使海中起大風,海就狂風大作,甚至船幾乎破壞。
› Jon
1:5 水手便懼怕,各人哀求自己的神。他們將船上的貨物拋在海中,為要使船輕些。約拿已下到底艙,躺臥沉睡。
› Jon
1:6 船主到他那裡對他說:「你這沉睡的人哪,為何這樣呢?起來,求告你的神,或者神顧念我們,使我們不至滅亡。」 Jon
1:7 船上的人彼此說:「來吧,我們掣籤,看看這災臨到我們是因誰的緣故。」於是他們掣籤,掣出約拿來。
› Jon
1:8 眾人對他說:「請你告訴我們,這災臨到我們是因誰的緣故?你以何事為業?你從那裡來?你是那一國?屬那一族的人?」
› Jon 1:9 他說:「我是希伯來人。我敬畏耶和華那創造滄海旱地之天上的神。」
› Jon
1:13 然而那些人竭力盪槳,要把船攏岸,卻是不能,因為海浪越發向他們翻騰。
› Jon
1:14 他們便求告耶和華說:「耶和華啊,我們懇求你,不要因這人的性命使我們死亡,不要使流無辜血的罪歸與我們;因為你耶和華是隨自己的意旨行事。」
› How do we
face troubles (distress) in our life?
› Jonah did
not say: “why me!” in his prayer
The last
week before Mathew Warren’s death
› Mathew
committed a suicide on April 5 (5 days after Easter) 2013 at the age of 27
› Rick’s
Message on radio -- Hope daily show
› Rick’s
Planned message: How to win the mind
› Rick’s
sabbatical to write a 2nd book
› Rick was
sick: double pneumonia
› The Warren
family was under attack!
How did
Kate and Rick Warren get through?
› They
stepped down from the pulpit to mourn
› On July
28, Rick gave his first sermon on the topic: how we got through
› What was
the main verse that he used?
› What was
the main message that he provided?
› What was
the key word that he emphasized?
Warren’s 6 Stages of Loss
› Shock: a human
› Sorrow
(Grief): a Godly emotion; e.g. TV show 24: grief differently if you know the end
of the story
› Struggle
(Why me): no need for explanation; need God
› Surrender:
experience peace in life
› Sanctification: (God’s
transformation of you)
› Service: let your
pain experience to help others
Key Verses
› 2Co 1:3 愿颂赞归与我们的主耶稣基督的父神,就是发慈悲的父,赐各样安慰的神。
› 2Co 1:4 我们在一切患难中,他就安慰我们,叫我们能用神所赐的安慰去安慰那遭各样患难的人。
› 2Co
1:5 我们既多受基督的苦楚,就靠基督多得安慰。
› 2Co 1:6 我们受患难呢,是为叫你们得安慰,得拯救;我们得安慰呢,也是为叫你们得安慰;这安慰能叫你们忍受我们所受的那样苦楚。
› 2Co 1:7 我们为你们所存的盼望是确定的,因为知道你们既是同受苦楚,也必同得安慰。
Key Word: We know
› 2Co 1:7 我们为你们所存的盼望是确定的,因为知道你们既是同受苦楚,也必同得安慰。
› Rom 8:28 我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人。
› Rom
5:3 不但如此,就是在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的;因為知道患難生忍耐,Rom
5:4 忍耐生老練,老練生盼望;Rom
5:5 盼望不至於羞恥
What do we
› 2Co
1:3 Praise God, the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ! The Father is a merciful God, who always gives us comfort.
› 2Co
1:4 He comforts us when we are in
trouble, so that we can share that same comfort with others in trouble.
› 2Co
1:5 We share in the terrible sufferings
of Christ, but also in the wonderful comfort he gives.
› 2Co
1:6 We suffer in the hope that you will
be comforted and saved. And because we are comforted, you will also be
comforted, as you patiently endure suffering like ours.
› 2Co
1:7 You never disappoint us. You
suffered as much as we did, and we know that you will be comforted as
we were.
We know:
› 必得安慰
How to get through trouble time: 2 Cor 1:3-7
› 神所喜悦的必成就
Isa 46:9-10
› 神总不撇下你
Heb 13:5 (We know: never will I forsake you)
› 萬事互相效力
Rom 8:28 (We know that in all things God work for the good of
those who love Him.)
› 患難中也是歡歡喜喜的
Rom 5:3-5 (Mathew is no longer in pain! Choose joy! )
› 四面受敵,卻不被困住
2 Cor 4:8-11; 18
› 苦楚是至暫至輕的
2 Cor 4:16-18
› 2Co
4:8 我們四面受敵,卻不被困住;心裡作難,卻不至失望; 2Co
4:9 遭逼迫,卻不被丟棄;打倒了,卻不至死亡。
› 2Co
4:10 身上常帶著耶穌的死,使耶穌的生也顯明在我們身上。
› 2Co
4:11 因為我們這活著的人是常為耶穌被交於死地,使耶穌的生在我們這必死的身上顯明出來。
› 2Co
4:16 所以,我們不喪膽。外體雖然毀壞,內心卻一天新似一天。
› 2Co
4:17 我們這至暫至輕的苦楚,要為我們成就極重無比、永遠的榮耀。
› 2Co 4:18 原來我們不是顧念所見的,乃是顧念所不見的;因為所見的是暫時的,所不見的是永遠的。
› A facebook
event for Jianxiu
› Out of 52
brothers and sisters provided the answers to this question
› Here is a
summary of the results based on frequency counts of key words
Group A
(Most Frequently cited more than 3 votes)
› 平安(平靜
11115 11115 11115 111 (18)
› 愛 (充滿溫馨
Love)11115 11115 11 (12)
› 不懼怕(安全感
fearlessness) 11115 11115 11 (12)
› 踏實(依靠
assurance ) 11115 111 (8)
› 喜樂
(Joy) 11115 11 (7)
› 滿足(感恩
gratefulness) 11115 1 (6)
› 同在
(His presence) 1111 (4)
Group B
(Objection to the question itself!)
› 感覺是不可靠的! Feeling is not trustworthy! (3)
› Group C
(Other keywords less than 3 votes)
› 幸福
(Blessing) 11 (2)
› 盼望
(hope) 11 (2)
› 不變
(steadiness) 1 1 (2)
› 釋放(Relief) 1
› 不憂慮
(worry free) 1
› 信心
(faith) 1
› 督促 (compelling to spread gospel) 1
› 敬畏
(fear of God) 1
› 能力
(power) 1
› 奇妙
(wonderful) 1
› 被接受
(acceptance) 1
› 我們知道
We know:
› 耶和華是創造滄海旱地之天上的神。The God who
created heaven and earth is our God
› 你的神,就是我的神。(Ruth
1:16) Ruth: Your God is myGod!
› 救恩出於耶和華
Grace from God
› 我的神與我同在直到世界的末了。
He will be with you till the end of the world no matter what happens!