2010年4月26日 星期一


MCCF Bylaw

曼城華人福音團契章程(MCCF Bylaw) (1991年第一版, 2003年5月第二版)

前言﹕耶稣基督是教會和團契的頭(弗5﹕23b)。他的律法全備﹐能甦醒人心﹔他的法度確定﹐能使愚人有智慧(詩19﹕7)。我們凡事以神的話語(聖經) 和聖靈的感動為準則和指南。本章程的目的是為了具體明確我們的信仰和使命﹐切實規範團契的活動和組織﹐以便使團契的活動更加有組織﹐事工更加有果效﹔也好使我們眾人的信心真有根基﹐愛心確有源泉(弗3﹕14-19)。我們以此為基本前提制定本章程。

一﹑ 憲章
1﹑本組織名稱為曼城華人福音團契﹐Manhattan Chinese Christian Fellowship (MCCF) 。組織上隸屬(美中)基督工人中心﹐Christian Witness Center(CWC) at Warsaw, Missouri, 並依托 Kansas State University 和Grace Baptist Church at Manhattan, Kansas.
3﹑團契的使命是﹕獻愛心﹑傳揚福音﹐作見證﹑造就門徒 (太4﹕14﹐28﹕18-20) ﹔目的是帶領眾人認識﹑敬拜神﹐幫助慕道友在神的救恩真道上建立信心從而歸向主﹐引導基督徒在靈命上進一步長進並樂于與神同工。
4﹑團契的行動準則是“要盡心﹑盡性﹑盡意﹑盡智﹑盡力﹐愛神﹐又要愛人如己” (太22﹕37-40﹐可12﹕29-33)

1﹑聖經啟示論﹕我們相信全部新舊約聖經六十六卷書都是神所默示的 (提後3﹕16)﹐ 是神對人的啟示﹐是生命之道﹑救恩之路﹑真理之門。
2﹑三一神論﹕我們相信聖父﹑聖子﹑聖靈三位一體 (Triunity) 的獨一真神﹐是萬能的造物主﹐是昔在﹑今在﹑永在的神 (太3﹕16-17﹐28﹕19﹐ 創1﹐啟4﹕8b)。聖父是三位一體的第一位格﹐是至高無上的全能真神﹐創造天地的主﹐是我們的天父(出3﹕15﹐約1﹕12-13﹐3﹕16﹐ 羅8﹕15-16﹐ 林前8﹕6)﹔聖子是三位一體的第二位格﹐耶稣基督是完全的神﹑也是完全的人﹐是救贖的中保(約1﹕14﹐ 3﹕16﹐提前3﹕16﹐ 來8﹕6﹐9﹕15﹐ 12﹕24)﹔聖靈是三位一體的第三位格﹐是真理的聖靈﹑是保惠師﹐聖靈住在一切信他之人的裡面(約14﹕16-17﹐16﹕13﹐ 16﹕8﹐ 羅8﹕11﹐約一3﹕24)。
3﹑創造論﹕我們相信萬物和人都是神的奇妙創造﹐一切本是好的或甚好的 (創1&2)。
4﹑原罪論﹕我們相信世人的犯罪與墮落﹐始于亞當和夏娃受魔鬼引誘﹑違背神的命令 (創3﹐羅5﹕12)﹔世人都犯了罪﹐虧缺了神的榮耀(羅3﹕23)﹔罪的工價乃是死(羅6﹕23a)。
5﹑基督論﹕我們相信耶稣是童貞女馬利亞被聖靈感孕所生﹔他是真神﹐也是真人﹔他是基督﹑是人類的救主 (太1﹕18﹐路1﹕35﹐太16﹕16)。
6﹑十字架救恩論﹕罪的工價乃是死, 唯有神的恩賜﹐在主耶稣基督裡﹐乃是永生 (羅6﹕23)。我們相信耶稣基督以聖潔無罪之身﹑擔當世人的罪﹑被釘死在十字架上﹐成就了神對人類的救贖與挽回(來9﹕11-12﹐約3﹕16﹐10﹕10-11﹐彼前1﹕18-19﹐弗1﹕7)﹔我們相信耶稣從死裡復活升到天上﹐現今在父神的右邊作我們的大祭司和中保的事實(路24﹕46﹐徒3﹕15﹐林前15﹕3-20﹐羅4﹕25)﹔我們相信因信得救﹑因信稱義的道理(約3﹕16﹐弗2﹕8-9﹐羅3﹕22﹑28﹐5﹕1-2﹐ 10﹕9-10)。
7﹑ 教會論﹕教會就是在基督耶稣裡成聖蒙召作聖徒的﹐以及所有在各處求告我主耶稣基督之名的人 (林前1﹕12)。我們相信耶稣基督是教會的磐石﹑是教會的頭﹔教會是耶稣基督的身體﹐我們眾人是肢體並在基督裡互相聯絡成為一體(太16﹕18﹐ 彼前2﹕4-7﹐ 羅12﹕5﹐ 弗4﹕11-12﹐5﹕23b﹐西1﹕18)
8﹑末世論﹕我們相信耶稣將再來施行公義的大審判﹐以及千喜年和新天新地的應許 (徒1﹕11﹐啟20﹕11﹐22﹕12﹐21﹕1)
9﹑浸禮﹕我們相信浸禮和聖餐是教會遵行主耶稣的命令所必行的兩項聖禮。我們相信在接受耶稣基督為個人救主之後的浸禮是向罪死去﹑向神而活﹐並成為新生命的見證。浸禮預表信徒與基督同死﹑同埋葬﹑同復活﹐並與基督聯合﹑而成為屬於基督的﹑新造的人(太28﹕19﹐可16﹕16﹐羅6﹕4﹐ 林後5﹕17﹐ 加3﹕26-28 )。
10﹑聖餐﹕我們相信聖餐是紀念主耶稣為我們死而設立的。凡已接受主耶稣基督﹑並明白領聖餐的意義的﹐或決志信主並受洗的弟兄姐妹﹐都應遵行。 聖餐預表信徒接受基督為我們所立的新約﹑領受基督在十字架上成就的救恩功效﹐以及宣告基督之死而復活和將再來的確據﹐並表明信徒與主及屬主的人一起團契聯絡(Fellowship in Communion)(太26﹕26-29﹐可14﹕22-24﹐路22﹕14-20﹐約6﹕53-54﹐林前11﹕23-29)。



2﹑同工委員會由團契主席﹑同工 (委員會) 主席﹑司庫﹑文書﹑圖書﹑通訊﹑聯絡﹑司琴﹑及同工代表等專職同工組成。

2﹑凡已接受耶稣基督為救主﹐ 並願意遵守本章程﹐經常﹑積極參加團契活動者﹐ 經自願﹑或同工提名以及本人願意﹐ 均可成為團契主席﹑同工主席﹑或專職同工候選人。

2﹑開會時間 (一般在春﹑夏﹑秋每學期結束前後) 和地點將由會議主席和同工們商定。

2﹑經費由司庫保管﹐並經基督工人中心入賬後﹐以曼城華人福音團契 (MCCF) 之名存入附近銀行。
4﹑司庫每學期末 (一般在春﹑夏﹑秋學期結束前) 向同工委員會通報團歷年結餘以及本年度的收支情況﹐每年年底向同工委員會並團契主席提交書面帳目報告。

三﹑ 章程修改條例



(First version 12/1990 drafted by Liwen Chang; Second version 4/21/2003 drafted by Shing-I Chang and Xuming Liu, and approved by co-worker meeting in May 2003)



Article 1. Name and Affiliations

1.1 Name. The name of this organization shall be Manhattan Chinese Christian Fellowship, hereinafter referred to as MCCF.

1.2 Affiliation. MCCF is affiliated with Christian Witness Center (CWC), Warsaw, Mo and Grace Baptist Church, Manhattan, KS. MCCF is also a student, staff, and faculty organization at Kansas State University. MCCF is governed by the following Bylaws.

Article 2. Objectives and Activities

2.1 General. MCCF is a group of ethnic Chinese who are interested in knowing God and following God's will. It serves all Chinese who study or work at the Kansas State University and in the city of Manhattan, Kansas.
2.2 Objectives. MCCF members gather to worship God, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, edify the believers, and fellowship with each other in the Lord.
2.2 Activities. MCCF host regular Bible Study, Sunday School, Sunday Worship, and Prayer Meetings. In addition to our regular gatherings, we host seminars, evangelical meetings, and short-mission teams. MCCF members regularly attend year-round gospel camps, discipleship trainings, Bible camps, conferences, and retreats offered by CWC. MCCF Friday night Bible study, Sunday school and Sunday worship usually take place at Grace Baptist Church.

Article 3. Belief Statements

MCCF believes the followings:
3.1 The Bible. We believe in the Bible accepting fully the writings of the Old and the New Testaments as the very Word of God verbally inspired in all parts and therefore wholly without error in the original writings. We believe that they are the supreme and final authority in faith and life. [II Tim. 3:16-17; II Pet. 1:21; John 13:35; 17:17; Psalm 19:7; Isa. 8:20]. We believe that the Scriptures teach that Christians should set their minds on things above, not on things on the earth. [I Thess. 5:22; II Tim. 2:11-22; Col. 3:2-17]
3.2 The God of Trinity. We believe in one Triune God eternally existing in three persons, Holy Father, Holy Son, and Holy Spirit. [Matt. 28:19; John 1:1; 4:24; 5:25-26; 10:30; Matt. 3:17; Isa. 45:21; Jere. 10:10]. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third person of the Triune God, who convicts of sin, regenerates, indwells, enlightens, empowers, baptizes, guides, teaches, and sanctifies all who become children of God through Christ. [Matt. 28:19; Gen. 1:2; John 16:8-11; I Cor. 3:16; 6:19; Rom. 8:14]
3.3 The Creation. We believe in God’s wonderful creation that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth in His Word, and created man in His own image (Gen 1)
3.4 The Sin. We believe that Adam was created in the spiritual image of God, that he sinned and thereby incurred upon the human race not only the physical death but also spiritual death which is separation from God. We believe that all those descended from Adam are born with sinful natures and, in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, becomes sinners in thought and deed. [Gen. 1:26-28; 3:1-24; Eph. 2:3; Rom. 3:23; 5:12; 3:19; John 8:42-44]. We recognize the existence and personality of Satan as the powerful supernatural enemy of God, and his evil influence in the world. [Job 1:6; Jude 9; Rev. 20]
3.5 The Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man, that He died for our sins and on the third day arose from the dead and was glorified in the same body in which he suffered and died. He is now our High Priest in Heaven appearing before the presence of God as our advocate and intercessor. [Isa. 53:6; Gal. 3:13; John 1:1,14; 20:25-26; Heb. 9:24; I John 2:1; Isa. 7:14; Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38; Gal. 4:4; I Tim. 2:5]
3.6 The Salvation. We believe in salvation by grace through faith. Men are justified on the single ground of personal acceptance of the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. [John 3:16; Acts 13:38; 16:31; Eph. 2:8-9]
3.7 The Church. We believe in the Church, which consists of all those who have been born again during this dispensation of grace and that they are members of the Body of Christ whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. [Eph. 1:10; 22-23; 2:21-22; I Peter 2:5, 9, 10]. We believe that a local New Testament Church is a group of born-again baptized believers bound together for the purpose of doing the will of Christ, including fellowship, worship, mutual edification, and the winning of souls. We believe that a local New Testament Church is a self-governing body subject only to Jesus Christ and His Word. [Acts 4:18-19; 6:3-6; 5:29; 13:24; 15:22-31; I Cor. 12:12; Acts 2:41-47]
3.8 The Judgment Days. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust in the everlasting conscious suffering of the lost. [I Thess. 4:13; I Cor. 15; Rev. 20:1-6; 11:15; Phil. 1:21-23; I John 3:2; II Cor 5:8; Matt. 25:46; Jude 13]. We believe in: a. "That blessed hope" - the Rapture [Titus 2:11-13; John 14; I Thess. 4:14-18] b. The personal and visible return of our Lord Jesus Christ to earth to establish His Kingdom. [Psalm 24; Isa. 9:6; 24:22-23; Zech. 14:4; Acts 1:10-11; Jude 14-15; Rev. 20]
3.9 The Baptism. We believe that baptism is the immersion of the believer in water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, setting forth the essential facts of redemption - the death, burial, and resurrection to newness of life. All members of a local new Testament Church are to be baptized believers. [Matt. 28:19-20; Acts 8:34-39; 16:30-33; Rom. 6:1-11]
3.10 The Communion. We believe that the Lord's Supper is a memorial service and is the setting forth in a sacred and symbolic manner the death of the Lord Jesus Christ on our behalf. The emblems of the memorial service are not literally the body and blood of Christ, nor do they contain His blood and flesh. The service is for the participation of believers only. It shall be observed on a regular basis. [Matt. 26:26-29; I Cor. 11: 20-34]

Article 4. Membership

4.1 Member. A MCCF member is anyone, Christians and non-Christians alike, who attends MCCF gatherings and is interested in seeking the truth about Jesus Christ and knowing the Lord and Savior. Although historically most MCCF members are comprised of faculties, staffs, and students from Kansas State University, MCCF membership is open to all in the Manhattan Kansas community.

Article 5. Co-workers and Committees

5.1 Co-workers are those who are abided by this bylaws, attend MCCF meeting regularly and volunteer to fulfill MCCF functions.
5.2 Co-worker committee. Specialty co-workers are those who service positions in the co-worker committee. The specialty co-worker positions include chairman of MCCf, chairman of the co-worker committee, treasurer, librarian, e-mail/webmaster, radio coordinator, music minister, and pianist.
5.3 K-State liaison committee. The K-State liaison committee shall be comprised of the President, Treasurer, and Secretary. These positions (officers) shall be filled by the members of co-worker committee or co-workers appointed by the MCCF chairman.

Article 6. Election of specialty co-workers and co-worker committees

6.1 The positions of specialty co-workers are elected among co-workers with more than 50% majority votes of the attending co-workers.
6.2 The chairman of MCCF shall nominate three officers for the K-State liaison committee. The co-worker committee shall approve the nomination. The appointed members shall decide the exact officer positions.
6.3 The term of each position, specialty co-worker or officer, is normally one year. A person can serve a position multiple teams with the approval of co-workers presented at the co-worker meeting. A co-worker may also serve on multiple positions. In case of position vacancy due to graduations or other events, the chairman of MCCF can appoint an interim co-worker for that position until the next co-worker meeting is held.

Article 7. Meetings

7.1 Co-workers shall meet at least three times a year. Usually the meetings take place at the end of Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters of Kansas State University.
7.2 Meeting chair. MCCF chairman shall host co-worker meetings or appoint a meeting chair to host the meetings. The meeting chair is responsible to arrange time and place, set the meeting agenda, inform all co-workers to attend, and oversee the order during the meetings.
7.3 Co-worker meetings are open to all members. However, only the co-workers have the voting rights.
7.4 A co-worker may submit a proposal or request in writing if she or he can not attend the meeting in person.

Article 8. Finance

8.1 Offering. Operations of MCCF are supported by free-willed offering.

8.2 Tax exempt from CWC. Since MCCF is affiliated with CWC – a taxed exempted organization, all donations to CWC are taxed deductible. The donation check shall be titled “CWC” with the memo noted as “MCCF fund.” All checks addressed to CWC shall be sent to CWC and the fund intended from MCCF shall be sent back and deposited into the MCCF account in a local bank.

8.3 Tax exempt from Footprint Radio. The KRMI-LP 105.5 radio station is affiliated with Footprint Radio. The donation check for our radio mission shall be titled “Footprint Radio” with the memo written as “KRMI Manhattan.” All checks addressed to Footprint Radio shall be sent to Footprint Radio Headquarter and the fund intended from KRMI-LP shall be sent back and deposited into the “Manhattan Chinese Christian Missionary” account in a local bank.

8.4 MCCF budgets are proposed and approved annually during the December co-worker meeting. Treasurer shall be executer of the budgets.

8.5 Treasurer shall report MCCF spending and its corresponding budgets during every co-worker meeting, which may revise the budgets according to the needs.

Article 9. Amendments

These Bylaws may be revised or amended by a two-thirds majority of the co-workers.

Article 10. Dissolution

Upon dissolution of MCCF, the assets of MCCF remaining after payment of all debts and expenses of dissolution shall be distributed, transferred, conveyed, and delivered to CWC, Warsaw, MO.
(First version 12/1990 drafted by Liwen Chang; Second version 4/21/2003 drafted by Shing-I Chang and Xuming Liu, and approved by co-worker meeting in May 2003)

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