今天与Grace Baptist Church联合崇拜。講員是Pastor Bob Flack, 主題為"The State of the Communion: There Is No Other Hand", 經文是罗马书 16:25-27。
16:25 惟有 神能照我所傳的福音、和所講的耶穌基督、並照永古隱藏不言的奧祕、堅固你們的心。
16:26這奧祕如今顯明出來、而且按著永生 神的命、藉眾先知的書指示萬國的民、使他們信服真道。
16:27願榮耀因耶穌基督歸與獨一全智的 神、直到永遠。阿們。
Four Purposes of Grace Baptist:
1. To Seek God in worship and His Glory in all we do…
2. To Saturate every believer in God’s Word…
3. To Send disciples into our community and the world with the Gospel…
4. To Serve one another and all whom God brings into our lives.
God’s Practical Objective: “To Strengthen You” (Romans 16: 25)
Our Response:
1. Do we know the Gospel? What is the Gospel?
2. Is the Gospel central?
Jesus is the Lord
Worthy is the Lamb